
So, we are enjoying a variety of Chinese New Year related activities at the Hong Kong Airport right now!

We are one more non-stop flight away from Vancouver.  If you are confused by this turn of events…

We made the familial decision three days ago to get back to Canada and get a consult on my healing progress.  I had been doing quite well and had enjoyed some frisbee on the beach (no running, just catching and throwing).

Some stand up paddle boarding:

Some sunsets:

(Nathan reading to us while we wait for the sun to set ❤️.)

A couple more visits to the animal shelter:

I felt I was slowly building steam. And then we left Koh Lanta and travelled to Krabi Town. I don’t know if was the two hour bumpy ride in the minivan or the exploration of the awesome Krabi market, or the laps I swam in the pool, or something else…

But the next day I awoke and felt like I had regressed by at least two weeks. And it didn’t bounce back the next day. So, there are some potential complications that very rarely occur with an injury such as mine…but should they manifest they are quite serious (we are talking about the future of my mobility and comfort when it come to sitting on my arse)!  

So, we decided that Myanmar and India weren’t going anywhere, the smart thing to do at this juncture is get home and get a proper follow-up consult and healing plan (which wasn’t a strong suit of my surgeon in Indonesia). I got next to no direction on healing nerves and do’s and don’ts,  etc.  (I’d be remiss if I didn’t do a shout out to my super supportive ‘long distance medical team’: Kristy & Jilla who helped me immensely with advice and support as I went through my healing stages.  You brought me so much comfort. Thank you ❤️).

It broke my heart to let this stupid accident ‘win’ this round, but as always my family was on my side and were adamant that this was the right decision.  We’d fly ‘home’ get everything checked and cleared and then decide what to do with the remaining month +\- that we will have left before Taus goes back to work April 1st. 

So, we opted for BC as we have ample room at my mom’s…our minivan is at my dad’s/Jen’s. And that is that. 😊

We spent our last day in Thailand on yet another beautiful couple of beaches:

It’s surreal to think Phase 2 of our adventure year has come to such a hasty end…but it has been mostly all wonderful memories and moments and precious time of just being together. And our adventure isn’t over yet…it’s just changed course!



3 thoughts on “Hiccup…

  1. Hi Nikki. Thanks for the update. I hope you get things cleared quickly and can head out again for some more adventures. Thinking of ya.


  2. Hi guys! Just catching up with your posts. Sorry to read that your trip was cut short but glad to hear you are home safe and recovering. Absolutely incredible the places and experiences you have had as a family. Nikki we wish you well and a speedy recovery. Sending lots of hugs!Love, Cindy Jason and Lucas. Miss you guys!


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